

Kajakuthyrning på Gudingebadet

Västervik, Kalmar län och Öland


  • Paddling
  • Rental

**Gudingebadet offers fresh sea kayaks from Svenska Point65 that are suitable for both beginners and more experienced paddlers.

The kayaks can be rented from two hours up to several days. You book your kayak via our online booking so that you are guaranteed that the kayak is in place when you start your adventure.

We also offer guided tours for groups on request.

  • Sea kayak (1pers) 250:- for 2 hours or 350:- for a day
  • Sea kayak (2pers) 350:- for 2 hours or 550:- for a day
  • Fishing kayak (2pers) 350:- for 2 hours, or 550:- for a day
  • Kayak at the bath 40:- per 30 minutes
  • Swim and relax, for free!