

Anslutningsled mellan Ukna och Tjustleden, etapp 9

Västervik, Kalmar län och Öland


  • Hiking

**The connecting trail between Tjustleden's stage 9 and the community of Ukna is just under 4 kilometers. There is a general store at Ukna.

The trail first follows the northern slope of a side valley to Uknadalen, crosses the watercourse, the railroad and then you find a faithful servant: When the Gränsö canal was restored in 1873-74, a new rolling bridge was also built over the canal. This bridge was then in operation for 110 years! In 1984, a new, fixed concrete bridge was built and then the old bridge was bought to be placed over Storån.

The trail then follows the old road and up the hill to Ukna old medieval church ruins. The place is very beautiful with a brilliant view of Uknadalen. There used to be a cross-adorned Christian rune stone here with a long inscription, like a prayer over a Torgils. It can now be seen in the new Ukna church.

The connecting trail then continues on smaller roads up to Ukna, including a general store. Along the route you have a nice view of Uknadalen.

Text: The Nature Conservation Association in Tjust


Lead agency: Naturskyddsföreningen i Tjust,

Stage division: Stage 9 - connecting trail to Ukna

Marking: Orange rings around tree trunks and on stakes and arrows (according to Swedish standards)

Overnight stay: Yes, in timbered shelters

Sanitary: Waste bin at each stage destination
