Hallingeberg – Karrum – Odensvi, Tjustleden etapp 6
Västervik, Kalmar län och Öland
**Stage 6 of the Just Trail between Hallingeberg and Odensvi takes you past sights such as Hallingeberg church, Hängesten and bathing spots at Sixgö and Kyrksjön.
Stage description, from south to north (Hallingeberg to Odensvi):
Stage 6 starts north of Hallingeberg church at Källtorpet's small "exception cabin" (enter a smaller road at the IOGT premises). The trail goes here close to the field landscape. The view is nice towards the beautifully located Hallingeberg church The trail then follows an ancient bridle path. Do not miss the fine giant pots just south of the trail (follow the markings). The trail rounds the impressive moving block "Fågelstenen" which, according to legend, turns every time the church bells ring... On the way up the hillside, you pass a cold spring and a sturdy pine.
On the ridge there is a preserved stone wolf pit. When trapped, the pit was covered with rice, a bait was hung over it and there were pointed stakes at the bottom. It was used right into the 19th century. After about 5 km, the trail rounds an interesting bog. There is an abundance of rosewood and even dwarf birch, which is unusual in our area. Less than a km after crossing the road between Blackstad - Odensvi, you can make a detour to a large ancient castle with sweeping views. There is a shelter and nice bathing rocks at Sixgöl, an enchanting spring water lake where the guillemot calls in the summer evening. Hängesten is an interesting geological attraction. It consists of a pair of large boulders. The smaller one leans against and supports the larger one, which hangs over a cliff.
Mårtens gryt is located on the border between Karrum and Ogestad. According to legend, this is where an outlaw, Mårten, had his hideout. He had to stay hidden and steal for his living. Dacke's helpers are also said to have hidden in the spacious block cave. The trail then leads to the second ancient castle of the stage. North of the current Gällerstorp-Ogestad road, the trail follows the original road between Gällerstorp and Odensvi, which until the 1920s would have been the only road that the farmers in Gällerstorp then had with their parish center. The road is paved in several places!
The farm Frö belongs to Ogestad. The Old Norse name is probably connected to the adjacent beech forest, which may have been a sacrificial grove. The beech forest has probably arisen through seed dispersal from a few introduced trees, perhaps in Norse times. Frö was previously a village, whose village order is thought to have ceased around 1850. As the fields on old maps are lettered from A to H, it is concluded that the village consisted of eight farms.
At Frö the trail splits with a connection to Odensvi. There is a swimming area and a general store. The main trail continues north west of Kyrksjön. South of the road to Odensvi, in the middle of the bathing area, is a 45 m high circular hill, Möckelkullen, which has been set aside as a nature reserve. It was formed when the inland ice melted.
Several famous people are buried at the beautifully situated Odensvi church, built in 1775. Among them is the grave of politician, poet and composer Gunnar Wennerberg. He is perhaps best known for the duet cycle "Gluntarne". He spent his last years at Odensviholm with his daughter Baroness Astrid Fleetwood. The author Ameli Posse, granddaughter of Gunnar Wennerberg, was given the beautiful grave where she rests by her aunt.
The main route follows the shore west of Kyrksjön through an oak and deciduous forest area. The extinct village of Sannäs was located about 300 m north of where the trail leaves the Frö-Kulla road. The plots are worth a visit for their wild flora. The stage ends with a shelter on a beautiful deciduous forest island in Kyrksjön.
Text: The Nature Conservation Association in Tjust
Lead agency: Naturskyddsföreningen i Tjust,
Marking: Orange rings around tree trunks and on stakes and arrows (according to Swedish standard)
Overnight stay: Timber shelter is available at the start and end
Sanitary: TC available at start and finish