

Getgölen – Hjorted – Svarteström, Tjustleden etapp 2

Västervik, Kalmar län och Öland


  • Hiking

**The second stage of the Tjust Trail runs from Getgölen in the south to Svarteström in the north. Here you pass, among other things, Hjorted and the opportunity to connect to Ankarsrumsslingan.

Stage description, from south to north (Getgölen to Svarteström)

Stage 2 is about 18 kilometers long. After the start from Lilla Getgöl, you go over some smaller pastures and after less than a kilometer you glimpse Abborregöl where, among other things, the "insect eater" silkworm grows. On the west side of the uvberg, the trail follows an old road and at Mjöshult you reach grazed open fields (if you want to avoid grazing animals, you can follow the road to Mjöshult and follow the small road north back to the trail). At Uddekvarn there are several old dams in the watercourse and the remains of a mill. In spring, spring onion, cabbage larkspur and cowslip bloom, and a little later almond blossom.

The trail continues northwest of Hjorted. At Ankarsrumsvägen, it is a few hundred meters to Hjorted with, among other things, food. At the southern tip of Långsjön you again reach bright, open pastures. The name "Ångbåtsviken" suggests the important connection Långsjön used to be between the towns of Ankarsrum and Hjorted. On a bridge you pass an "artificial" watercourse. A rock tunnel was blasted in 1934 from Lake Hjorten and this water now flows to Långsjön instead of reaching the Botorpsströmmen via Falsterbo. The water can now also be used in the two power stations in Ankarsrum and Svarteström.

On old forest roads, once important driving routes between the crofts, the trail continues north through beautiful large forest. Feel free to stop at Mörtvik, walk past the croft out towards Långsjön (not marked) and look at the well-built stone piers out to the islands. On the larger island there used to be arable land that is now grazed.

At Isgölen you pass over Isholmen via two bridges. The old croft was demolished in 1943. North of the watercourse is the Ankarsrumsslingan trail. North of Lilla Flugen, the trail then runs along the water to Svarteström. The power station, which was built at the end of the 19th century to supply Ankarsrum's mill with electricity, has a capacity of around 800 kW. The drop is 18 m with a 238 m long 'tube' renovated in 2012. After another almost km you reach the stage destination, a shelter for overnight stays located on the northern shore of Stora Flugen.


Lead partner: Naturkyddsföreningen i Tjust,

Marking: Orange rings around tree trunks and on stakes and arrows (according to Swedish standards)

Overnight stay: Timber shelters are available at the start and finish

Sanitary: TC available at start and finish
